Our Rehearsal Nights
The Band rehearses from 18:30 - 20:15hrs every Tuesday and Thursday
News for 2021
Bands all over the UK are struggling with the lockdown rules. Competitions have been suspended and rehearsals have stopped apart from the tech savvy bands who have managed to rehearse via Zoom. Abergavenny has not been immune from the effects of the pandemic restrictions and although we are not using our much loved band room, we are managing to continue rehearsals at the local football stadium and at a farm owned by the parents of one of our youngsters. We can’t wait for the day when we can return to normal and get back to the band room.
In January a special Brass band zoom meeting was held when members of the band had the privilege of spending an evening with Prof Nicholas Childs, MD of Black Dyke and his wife Alison. Prof Childs shared a few of the highlights of his long and successful career, he also answered questions put to him by members of the band, There was a surprise appearance during the session of two players who had graced the stand at Abergavenny, Daniel Thomas, principal euphonium at Dyke and Mathew Routley BBb bass at Dyke.
In addition, our normal bookings have also been curtailed, and this year we have sadly missed the famous Abergavenny Steam Rally in May which succumbed to the pandemic restrictions.
However, all is not lost! Weekly rehearsals were organised at the Abergavenny Football Club from April 27th to the 18th May, and we returned to the band room from June for socially distanced rehearsals. The Band is very grateful to the Football Club for providing their spectators stand and also to our Secretary, Megan Prosser, for all her hard work ensuring compliance with COVID regulations. Of course we could not have managed without the herculean efforts of Richard Shorey, our 3rd cornet player, who transported and set up all the paraphernalia the band requires for a rehearsal; thanks Richard.
Although numbers were severely restricted, the band was delighted to congratulate Solo Horn player, Elizabeth Tingay and fiancée Adam Miller on the occasion of their marriage at Pontypool on March 20th. We have been assured by the couple of a more raucous celebration once restrictions are relaxed.
The much anticipated Regional Finals were the victim of the pandemic and were cancelled denying the band the chance to improve on its previous years performance.
At Easter it was a privilege to perform an open air concert for the residents of Avenue Road Nursing Home. This is where Lana’s mother was cared for and we were delighted to play a concert by way of a thank you for the superb care she received there.
May 28th and 5th June saw the band return to Abergavenny Town Centre to play for the shoppers and raise funds for local charities. On these two occasions £400 was collected for the “Sparkle Appeal” for Nevill Hall Children’s Centre. With more dates in the pipeline we will be raising funds for more local charities during the summer.
£1,100 raised for local charities

Today (3rd July) saw that last of five weeks of fundraising in the town centre by the band. A total of £1,100 was raised for four local charities, Mind Monmouthshire, Magic Cottage, Sparkle and Royal British Legion Abergavenny.
The band would like to thank the people of the town for their support and the fantastic reception given to us and our music making.
(3rd July 2021)
Fundraising Total Hits £3,350 for local charities

The Band is delighted to announce that in the last twelve months our fundraising efforts in the town has raised £3,550 for local charities. Those who have benefited are Sparkle, Royal British Legion, Gateway Church, Mind Monmouthshire, Magic Cottage, St David's Hospice, Hospice of the Valleys and Rotary. The Alzheimer's Society will receive a donation shortly. The band is amazed at the support from Abergavenny townsfolk and sends a huge thanks to all.

Several concerts in the towns Frogmore Street were very well received by shoppers and visitors to Abergavenny and we even had people dancing in the street. Although hard work, the Band thoroughly enjoyed entertaining everyone and are thrilled to have raised so much for local good causes.

We are looking forward to supporting the town at the remembrance parade on Sunday 14th November this year and to getting the carol music ready to play for the Christmas shoppers in December.
26th October 2021